
I grabbed some sample code from the web and put together this python script 
which searches all subdirectories for a specific file type, then replaces a 
string with a new one.  Out of curiosity I ran it again.  Here's what happens 
(this also happens for the files I am looking to replace OutputPath=Z:\ with 

1st run:  replaces OutputPath=Z:\ with OutputPath=Z:\CSV )
2nd run: replaces OutputPath=Z:\CSV with OutputPath=Z:\CSV\CSV
3rd run:  replaces OutputPath=Z:\CSV\CSV with OutputPath=Z:\CSV\CSV\CSV
And so on.

I cant figure out why it's doing this if I am searching a certain string value 
and replacing it.  I am also perplexed on why it is only adding the "CSV" each 
time rather than the full string.  What I want it to do is only replace once.  
Next time I run it it shouldn't do anything.

import fnmatch,os,sys

mydir = 'C:\\!DOMSExtractor'
findStr = 'OutputPath=Z:\\'

def replaceStringInFile(findStr,replStr,filePath):
    input = open(filePath)
    output = open(tempName,'w')

    for s in input:
        print findStr
        print replStr
    print filePath

def myfun(dummy, dirr, filess):
    for child in filess:
        filePath = dirr+'/'+child
        if '.ini' == os.path.splitext(child)[1] and os.path.isfile(filePath):
            print file(filePath, 'rb').read().find(findStr)
            if file(filePath, 'rb').read().find(findStr) <> -1:
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(dirr+'/'+child, '*BGExtract.ini'):
                elif fnmatch.fnmatch(dirr+"/"+child, '*GISExtract.ini'):

os.path.walk(mydir, myfun, 3)


Paul J. Scipione
GIS Database Administrator
work: 602-371-7091
cell: 480-980-4721

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