Dave Angel wrote:
norseman wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">One
suggested I change the subject line - OK
I also replaced the [TAB]s since I noticed the Emailer seems
to get very confused with them.
Using Python 2.5.2 and Tkinter ??? (came with system)
List made and for loop in use
lst=[ ("S", "Single"), .....]
for mode, text ....
c = Radiobuton(.....
At this point the program runs, but I cannot control gray-out of a
specific Radiobutton.
If I:
for mode, text ....
c[counter] = Radiobuton(specified_frame,..
counter += 1
blockUseOf= $varSetElsewhere
c[blockUseOf].config(state = strSetElsewhere)
Program crashes on Radiobutton line.
There are a number of Frames containing Radiobuttons in the program.
The individual lists are long enough no one in their right mind wants to
hand code such repetition and then try to maintain it. Not even with a
code generator. (Number and organization will change over time.)
How do I set things to be able to control any given Radiobutton from
elsewhere in the program and still use the for-loop loader?
Try posting as text. The html tags in the message are distracting.
I don't know tkinter, but I can see a problem with your code. You're
using the [] operators on c, but you never initialize c. Of course, you
have a tiny fragment of code, and we're supposed to guess the rest. But
normally, when you build a list, you start with:
mylist = []
for xxxx in yyyy:
c = ....new widget....
Now, c is just temporary, but mylist contains reference to all the
widgets. So later on, you can use mylist[42] to get button# 42.
A separate problem is that mylist should be a member of a class derived
from the frame widget, or something like that. So if this code is part
of an __init__ method of a class, there are a few "self" items needed.
I don't use HTML! I re-checked the file I sent and it is plain text.
I have no idea where the file you received has been, but sorry for
problem because Yes, they are distracting from my own experiences.
"... if code is part of an __init__..." No. It's for Global control.
I have tried every combination I could dream up -- except the (now)
obvious one. Being too close to the problem is just that - too close.
Problem solved - Thank you very much.