I installed the Mac binary on my Intel 10.5.6 system and it works, except it still uses Apple's system Tcl/Tk 8.4.7 instead of my ActiveState 8.4.19 (which is in /Library/Frameworks where one would expect).

I just built python from source and that version does use ActiveState 8.4.19.

I wish I knew what's going on. Not being able to use the binary distros is a bit of a pain.

Just out of curiosity: which 3rd party Tcl/Tk did you have installed when you made the installer? Perhaps if it was 8.5 that would explain it. If so I may try updating my Tcl/Tk -- I've been wanting some of the bug fixes in 8.5 anyway.

-- Russell

On Apr 16, 2009, at 5:35 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

On 15 Apr, 2009, at 22:47, Russell E. Owen wrote:

Thank you for 2.6.2.

I see the Mac binary installer isn't out yet (at least it is not listed on the downloads page). Any chance that it will be compatible with 3rd
party Tcl/Tk?

The Mac installer is late because I missed the pre-announcement of the 2.6.2 tag. I sent the installer to Barry earlier today.

The installer was build using a 3th-party installation of Tcl/Tk.



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