I think I found the answer to the last question. "A primitive lock is
a synchronization primitive that is not owned by a particular thread
when locked." -17.2.2. Lock Objects

So that's a no.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Scott Flynn <sc...@starlon.net> wrote:
> I'm finally around to playing around with my LCD module. I chose Linux for 
> OS, pygtk for the GUI, a CF635 Python library written by Thomas Cauley (found 
> on CF website) for a starting point in sending commands to the LCD, and 
> gobject.io_add_watch for listening for packets coming from the LCD. It became 
> clear as soon as I started receiving packets that I would need some threading 
> support. My attempts at working that in have been successful to some degree, 
> but there's still something, and while I doubt many can run the program to 
> see what it does, I was hoping someone could possibly tell me if I'm just 
> going about this threading business "the wrong way."
> You can download the files from http://starlon.net/files/CF635.1.tar.gz
> Pertinate files: CF635.py (main file), CFListener.py, CFFans.py, 
> pyCF635Driver.py
> Basically, when I set a fan or more to report, the packets come in fine and 
> the program processes them, but every once in a while the GUI hangs. I'm not 
> sending commands to the LCD during this time. I'm just letting the program 
> run. I realize outgoing commands aren't wrapped/threaded yet. I'm not sure if 
> they need to be. I have a threading.Lock setup in SendCommand though, so I'm 
> also wondering if I need the threading.

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