tiissa wrote:
Synonymous wrote:

Can regular expressions compare file names to one another. It seems RE
can only compare with input i give it, while I want it to compare
amongst itself and give me matches if the first x characters are

Do you have to use regular expressions?

If you know the number of characters to match can't you just compare slices?

It seems to me you just have to compare each file to the next one (after having sorted your list).

itertools.groupby() can do the comparing and grouping:

 >>> import itertools
 >>> def groupbyPrefix(lst, n):
 ...   lst.sort()
 ...   def key(item):
 ...     return item[:n]
 ...   return [ list(items) for k, items in itertools.groupby(lst, key=key) ]
 >>> names = ['cccat', 'cccap', 'cccan', 'cccbt', 'ccddd', 'dddfa', 'dddfg', 
 >>> groupbyPrefix(names, 3)
[['cccat', 'cccap', 'cccan', 'cccbt'], ['ccddd'], ['dddfa', 'dddfg', 'dddfz']]
 >>> groupbyPrefix(names, 2)
[['cccat', 'cccap', 'cccan', 'cccbt', 'ccddd'], ['dddfa', 'dddfg', 'dddfz']]


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