Hi, I'm trying to auth to remote machines so I can plunder WMI to get logs and settings and the like. My script works for most of my machines because they're all in the same domain and I run the script as somebody who has enough access to get at this stuff but for machines off the domain I'm stuck.
Unless I'm missing something here, you can already specify username etc. with WMI. Just Dispatch on "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" and call .ConnectServer. Just in case you haven't already, I (naturally :) ) recommend my wmi module [1] which wraps a fair bit of the plumbing for you, including this. Eg, <code> import wmi c = wmi.WMI ("some-machine", user="tim", password="password") for log in c.Win32_NTLogEvent ( Logfile="Application", Type="error" ): print log.RecordNumber, log.SourceName, log.Message </code> [1] TJG --