On 03.04.2009 05:29, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Thu, 02 Apr 2009 08:06:22 -0300, Wolfgang Forstmeier
<mail...@supai.de> escribió:
On 02.04.2009 11:34, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:51:52 -0300, Wolfgang Forstmeier
<mail...@supai.de> escribió:
what kind of error do I have with getting this error at starting my
Im am not using IdleConf.GetOption right now.
Warning: configHandler.py - IdleConf.GetOption -
problem retrieving configration option 'name'
from section 'Keys'.
returning default value: ''
<snip />
Ok, but do you really use idlelib for something? Or it's just some
random code you found somewhere and drop into your application?
Ah yes, I really use this. I create some message boxes for a little GUI
application that controls some other program with COM.
Running my app without py2exe, just with python, there is no warning at
all. This comes in with py2exe first.
Here some piece of code that I use for tkMessageBox.
from idlelib.OutputWindow import tkMessageBox
# Define about message box
def about(self):
tkMessageBox.showinfo("About", "My little about text box.")
# --
There is some more GUI programming arround that def in my class, but
that uses only Tkinter, should not be interesting for that error.
Also, note that you got just a warning, not an error; chances are your
program may still work.
That is right, but there is an annoying message box at closing my
program that tells me the error above.
BTW, what's your program for?
Connecting a MFC COM application with an old FORTRAN program.