Bengt Richter wrote:
Good background on thunks can be found in ref. [1].

UIAM most of that pre-dates decorators. What is the relation of thunks to decorators and/or how might they interact?

Hmm, I think you answered this below better than I could ;).

def f(thunk):

do f():

The above code has the same effect as:

Meaning "do" forces the body of f to be exec'd in do's local space? What if 
are assignments in f? I don't think you mean that would get executed in do's 
local space,
that's what the thunk call is presumably supposed to do...

Yes, I see now that there is an ambiguity in this example that I did not resolve. I meant that the suite of the 'do' statement gets wrapped up as an anonymous function. This function gets passed to 'f' and can be used by 'f' in the same way as any other function. Bindings created in 'f' are not visible from the 'do' statement's suite, and vice-versa. That would be quite trickier than I intended.

Other arguments to 'f' get placed after the thunk:

def f(thunk, a, b):
    # a == 27, b == 28

do f(27, 28):
I'm not sure how you intend this to work. Above you implied (ISTM ;-)
that the entire body of f would effectively be executed locally. But is that
true? What if after after() in f, there were a last statment hi='from last 
statement of f'
Would hi be bound at this point in the flow (i.e., after d f(27, 28): stuff() )?

I didn't mean to imply that. The body of 'f' isn't executed any differently if it were called as one normally calls a function. All of its bindings are separate from the bindings in the 'do' statement's scope.

I'm thinking you didn't really mean that. IOW, by magic at the time of calling 
thunk from the
ordinary function f, thunk would be discovered to be what I call an executable 
suite, whose
body is the suite of your do statement.


In that case, f iself should not be a callable suite, since its body is _not_ 
supposed to be called locally,
and other than the fact that before and after got called, it was not quite 
exact to say it was _equivalent_ to

stuff() # the do suite

yes, I said "same effect as" instead of "equivalent" so that too much wouldn't be read from that example. I see now that I should have been more clear.

In that case, my version would just not have a do, instead defining the do suite
as a temp executable suite, e.g., if instead

we make an asignment in the suite, to make it clear it's not just a calling thing, e.g.,

do f(27, 28):
     x = stuff()

then my version with explict name callable suite would be

def f(thunk, a, b):
     # a == 27, b == 28

    x = stuff() # to make it plain it's not just a calling thing

f(set_x, 27, 28)
# x is now visible here as local binding

but a suitable decorator and an anonymous callable suite (thunk defined my way 
;-) would make this

@f(27, 28)
(): x = stuff()

Hmm, but this would require decorators to behave differently than they do now. Currently, decorators do not automatically insert the decorated function into the argument list. They require you to define 'f' as:

def f(a, b):
        def inner(thunk):
        return inner

Having to write this type of code every time I want an thunk-accepting function that takes other arguments would be pretty annoying to me.

Thunks can also accept arguments:

def f(thunk):

do x,y in f():
   # x==6, y==7

IMO @f (x, y): stuff(x, y) # like def foo(x, y): stuff(x, y)

is clearer, once you get used to the missing def foo format

OK. I prefer a new keyword because it seems confusing to me to re-use decorators for this purpose. But I see your point that decorators can be used this way if one allows anonymous functions as you describe, and if one allows decorators to handle the case in which the function being decorated is anonymous.

The return value can be captured

This is just a fallout of f's being an ordinary function right?
IOW, f doesn't really know thunk is not an ordinary callable too?
I imagine that is for the CALL_FUNCTION byte code implementation to discover?


def f(thunk):
   return 8

do t=f():
   # t not bound yet

print t
==> 8
That can't be done very well with a decorator, but you could pass an
explicit named callable suite, e.g.,

    thunk(): stuff()
    t = f(thunk)

But not having to do it that way was most of the purpose of thunks.

Thunks blend into their environment
ISTM this needs earlier emphasis ;-)

def f(thunk): thunk(6,7)

a = 20
do x,y in f():
   a = 54
print a,x,y

==> 54,6,7

IMO that's more readable as

   def f(thunk):
       thunk(6, 7)
   (x, y):         # think def foo(x, y): with "def foo" missing to make it a 
       a = 54
   print a,x,y

IMO we need some real use cases, or we'll never be able to decide what's really useful.

Thunks can return values. Since using 'return' would leave it unclear whether it is the thunk or the surrounding function that is returning, a different keyword should be used. By analogy with 'for' and 'while' loops, the 'continue' keyword is used for this purpose:
Gak ;-/

def f(thunk): before() t = thunk() # t == 11 after()

do f():
   continue 11

I wouldn't think return would be a problem if the compiler generated a RETURN_CS_VALUE instead of RETURN_VALUE when it saw the end of the callable suite (hence _CS_) (or thunk ;-) Then it's up to f what to do with the result. It might pass it to after() sometimes.

It wouldn't be a problem to use 'return' instead of 'continue' if people so desired, but I find 'return' more confusing because a 'return' in 'for' suites returns from the function, not from the suite. That is, having 'return' mean different things in these two pieces of code would be confusing:

for i in [1,2]:
        return 10

do i in each([1,2]):
        return 10

Exceptions raised in the thunk pass through the thunk's caller's frame before returning to the frame in which the thunk is defined:
But it should be possible to have try/excepts within the thunk, IWT?

yes, it is possible and they are allowed in the example implementation.

def catch_everything(thunk): try: thunk() except: pass # SomeException gets caught here

    do catch_everything():
       raise SomeException
    pass        # SomeException doesn't get caught here because it was
already caught

Because thunks blend into their environment, a thunk cannot be used after
its surrounding 'do' statement has finished:

thunk_saver = None
def f(thunk):
    global thunk_saver
    thunk_saver = thunk

do f():

thunk_saver() # exception, thunk has expired
Why? IWT the above line would be equivalent to executing the suite (pass) in its place.

The restriction on saving thunks for later is for performance reasons and because I believe it is hacky to use thunks in that way.

What happens if you defined

def f(thunk):
   def inner(it):

do f():
   x = 123

Of course, I'd spell it
   (): x = 123

Is there a rule against that (passing thunk on to inner)?

No, that is fine, as long as execution has not yet left the 'do' statement.

'break' and 'return' should probably not be allowed in thunks.  One could
use exceptions to simulate these, but it would be surprising to have
exceptions occur in what would otherwise be a non-exceptional situation.
One would have to use try/finally blocks in all code that calls thunks
just to deal with normal situations.  For example, using code like

def f(thunk):

with code like

do f():
    p = 1
return p

would have a different effect than using it with

do f():
    return 1

This behavior is potentially a cause of bugs since these two examples
might seem identical at first glance.
I think less so with decorator and anonymous callable suite format

   (): return 1  # as in def foo(): return 1  -- mnemonically removing "def foo"

In your syntax, 'return' would return from the thunk. With the 'do' syntax, 'return' would return from the surrounding function. So the issue does not arise with your syntax.

The thunk evaluates in the same frame as the function in which it was defined. This frame is accessible:

def f(thunk):
    frame = thunk.tk_frame
     # no connection with tkinter, right? Maybe thunk._frame would also say be 
careful ;-)
     assert sys._getframe(1) is frame # ?? when does that fail, if it can?

'tk' is supposed to remind one of 'thunk'. I believe that follows a standard naming convention in python (e.g. see generators).

I don't see how that assert can fail.

I see what you're getting at with decorators and anonymous functions, but there are a couple of things that, to me, make it worth coming up with a whole new syntax. First, I don't like how one does not get the thunk inserted automatically into the argument list of the decorator, as I described above. Also, I don't like how the return value of the decorator cannot be captured (and is already used for another purpose). The fact that decorators require one more line of code is also a little bothersome. Decorators weren't intended to be used this way, so it seems somewhat hacky to do so. Why not a new syntax?


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