Solved it. Instead of modifying Replacer class, I've made another class
which initiates a list of Replacer objects from a list of substitution
rule files. And then iterates through the list of Replacer objects and
calls upon their own substitute() method. It seems to work.
Thanks for all your advices.
Maurice LING wrote:
Hi all,
I think I might have a workaround to this problem but have no idea how
to work it through. I hope that someone can kindly help me out because I
do not quite understand the mechanics of the _make_regex() method in the
original codes...
My idea is, instead of having one UserDict, have a list of UserDicts. So
a large unprocessable replacement rule set is split into multiple
smaller files, with each file read into a UserDict and it is made into a
RE matcher. Then iterative matching using a list of REs.
In short, the current precedure is
1 dictionary, 1 RE, 1 RE matcher... to match inputs
My workaround is to change it to
list of dictionaries, list of REs, list of RE matcher... iterative
matching of inputs.
Can someone kindly help me out here?
Thanks in advance.