On 2009-03-31, Steven D'Aprano <ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au> wrote:

[writing a bunch of files with a bunch of random data in each]

>> Can this be done within few minutes of time. Is it possble
>> only using threads or can be done in any other way. This has
>> to be done in Windows.
> Is it possible? Sure. In a couple of minutes? I doubt it. 1000
> files of 1GB each means you are writing 1TB of data to a HDD.

1TB of random data.  Damn.  I don't know where you're going to
be able to find an entropy source that can produce that much
data in a reasonable amount of time. Typical entropy sources in
Desktop OSes based on keystrokes and network packets can
probably only manage a few hundred bits/second best case.

Even a hardware solution like those in some chipsets can't do
more than about 100K bits/second.

If your motherboard has a hardware RNG that'll do 100Kbps,
you're looking at about 3.8 years to generate 1TB of random

Of course it's possible the OP doesn't really require random

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