On 3/29/2009 2:46 PM Scott David Daniels apparently wrote:
You ask, "What exactly is the role of ...", rather than saying something like, "I don't understand the role of ...", and continue to ask why the code is not architected the way you first expected it to be architected, calling those things you do not understand "magic" (not "magically" which would at least invoke a sense of wonder, rather than indignation).
Clearly there are some cultural differences here. I am not a CS type. I would not presume to criticize the architecture, and in my world, questions are generally assumed to be what they appear to be: questions. Additionally, I confess to be completely ignorant of the nuances you suggest between using the term "magic" and saying something happened "magically". I meant it only in the sense that John has since used it: as suggesting something not obvious (to me) was taking place. I had no intent to communicate indignation with this term and indeed am startled that it could be so construed. Is this nuance really universal on this list? Cheers, Alan Isaac -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list