this is hardly a fair reply to a fair question. the question of time, space, or algorithmic complexity comes up all the time in the choice of which algorithm or data structure is best suited to attack a problem.
donald knuth's anaylses of the computational complexity of algorithms  
has provided us with the tools to answer how complex an algorithm is  
and to compare its complexity to another algorithm. whoever wants to  
deal with issues of complexity might want to start there.
knowing the complexity of an algorithm provides a starting point for  
answering whether the level of complexity the algorithm adds to a  
program makes it acceptable for use or not, or whether using it will  
be ok to run against small datasets but not against large; or even  
whether another attack on the problem to be solved should be considered.
i dare say, the question "what level of complexity is acceptable" is a  
fair question, and the possible answers to choose from is the  
bread-and-butter of computer sciences.
again, for those who want to get a handle on the issue, start with  
donald knuth's work or introductory texts that build on his work.

Quoting r <>:

On Mar 18, 12:30 pm, Kottiyath <> wrote:
When we say readability counts over complexity, how do we define what
level of complexity is ok?
[snip= mommie can i go out an play?]

How do we decide whether a level of complexity is Ok or not?

How did you know what shoes to put on this morning or what to eat for
breakfast? I'll tell you, you made a choice that was best suited for
you, thats how. Do you really need the opinion of others before making
a decision this simple. Have the people of the world become so needy
that they cannot even choose between pink panties with purple polka-
dots or purple panties with pink polka-dots anymore without asking for
input?. It seems seems the world has become a dimension of drooling
mindless zombies wondering aimlessly through life who can even think
for them selfs. God help us all!!!


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