J-Burns wrote:
> and to node 2 with the value of "b". Trying to make something like an
> NFA. Where id be changing regular expressions to NFAs.
> How can I do this? And if I could do this by some other way than using
> linked lists than do tell me about that as well.

Just been reminded of this thread by Gabriel's summary - I've now released
an an initial version of code that represents DFAs and NFAs (and can
convert from NFA to DFA) for arbitrary alphabets.  It's documented at
http://www.acooke.org/lepl/api/lepl.regexp.core-module.html (you can see
the source there too) and available as part of LEPL.

(I've just noticed that the comments in Sequence are incorrect,
unfortunately - please ignore any mention of "index").



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