Thomas Ng <> wrote:
>  I'm planning to port the Python to run on an embedded device running
>  Nucleus+ OS on ARM7 processor.
>  Can anyone help to advise how to get started?
>  Where I am now: I've downloaded the Python 2.6 from SVN and able to
>  compile it using VC++. But no idea how to proceed from here. Since I
>  am not familiar with Linux, I would prefer to do the porting work on
>  Windows.

Well... Nucleus isn't Linux, it is a RTOS.  If it has enough POSIX
interfaces you probably can port python but I wouldn't have thought it
would be easy.  Try to compile python in the cross compiling
environment and see what happens!

However if you are running Nucleus with Linux and want to run python
in the Linux bit of it then I'd suggest to use the packages available
for the Linux side of it.  (Eg if it is running debian then apt-get
install python).

Nick Craig-Wood <> --

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