En Sat, 28 Mar 2009 06:03:33 -0300, geoffbache <geoff.ba...@jeppesen.com> escribió:

Hi Tim,

If you trace through this:
    python -m trace --trace communicate.py

you'll see that it hangs in subprocess in the stdout_thread waiting for
stdout to close.

Thanks for this tip, haven't used this before.

I'm not sure I expect this to work as you expect.  When you open a null
device, it's just another file handle.  Why should the behavior be

Well yes, but the point is surely that the standard output of the
background sleeping process is pointed to a different location? (you
can replace the null device with a file name of your choice and the
point is the same.) This process should not have any connection to the
standard output of sleep.py, and hence we shouldn't need to wait for
it to finish when collecting the standard output of sleep.py, surely?
(Even explicitly calling sys.stdout.close() in sleep.py doesn't seem
to help)

Thesis: When the subprocess module creates the child process, it inherits the stdin/stdout/stderr handles from its parent (even if its own stdin/stdout/stderr are redirected; they're different). Until the grandchild process finishes, the grandparent stdout.read() won't return, because the pipe isn't closed until the last handle to it is closed.

Another option is that subprocess.py leaks file handles (I remember it uses DuplicateHandle).

Unfortunately I won't be able to test either of these until next week.

Also, the code behaves differently on Linux and Windows, and I haven't
called anything that is documented as behaving differently on
different platforms. If it's a genuine OS difference I'd be interested
in hearing why.

Well, subprocess has completely separate implementations for Windows and Linux - it tries hard to hide the differences, but they're not the same thing.

Gabriel Genellina


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