Marco Nawijn wrote:

In short I would like to know if somebody knows if it is possible to
re-execute a statement that raised an exception?

In short, no.

As an example, look at the following statement

aPoint = gp_Pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)     # Oops, this will raise a NameError, since
                                                      # gp_Pnt class
is unknown

NameError: name 'gp_Pnt' is not defined

Either make sure names are defined before you use them (easy) or provide alternative code in the except clause.

If you actually have the name written literally in the code, you should simply import it first, so I presume you have a more complicated use case where the name to use is dynamically defined in a string. If so, do something like

aPoint = MyImporter(class_name)(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

where MyImporter.__new__ imports and returns the class

Terry Jan Reedy


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