Atul. wrote:
title = 'C:\Thesis\refined_title.txt'
file = open(title)
I get the following error from Python.
    file = open(title)
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') or filename: 'C:\\Thesis

Now, I can not understand the problem here ...
Repesat to yourself 1e4 tmes: "I shall not put windows file
names in quotes w/o using 'r' (as in raw files).  Either
always use forward slashes, or get used to typing:
      title = r'C:\Thesis\refined_title.txt'

In your case, '\r' is a return (a single character), not two
characters long. I think its sad that 'C:\Thesis' doesn't cause
an error because there is no such character as '\T', but I am
probably excessively pedantic.

--Scott David Daniels

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