En Tue, 24 Mar 2009 09:01:01 -0300, R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> escribió:
CinnamonDonkey <cinnamondon...@googlemail.com> wrote:
On 23 Mar, 18:57, bearophileh...@lycos.com wrote:
> CinnamonDonkey:
> >what makes something a package?
> If you don't know what a package is, then maybe you don't need
> packages.

Thanx for taking the time to post a response but I am afraid I feel
the need to point out that it is exactly this kind of response that I
find un-helpful. It is neither constructive nor educational.

I think bearophile could have left out the first sentence, but otherwise
his question is perfectly sensible.  If you have a bunch of independent
modules, then you don't need to put them in packages.  Your example
only showed one module file in each package...I understand now that was
just for simplicity of the example, but we had no way of knowing that.

Especially, since people coming from Java:

- think that they *have* to use a package
- think that they *have* to put a single class per file

Neither is true in Python. And from the example alone, one could infer the OP was making such mistakes. Glad to see it was not the case.

Gabriel Genellina


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