Hello all,

I am having problems trying installing iPython under XP.
It works great under Linux and it would be great if I could
also use it when I have to be in Windows.

XP Professional SP2 + SP3 (tried different systems),
iPython-0.9.1, Python 2.6.1

During  "Please wait while running postinstall script .. "
I get the following MS Visual C++ Runtime Error

An application has made an attempt to load th C runtime library incorrectly.

I get this message 4 or 5 times and eventually end up
with this:

*** run_installscript: internal error 0xFFFFFFFF ***

I've seen this error reported before while searching the web,
so I know I'm not the only one who has run into this problem,
but not seen any solutions.

Can anyone help?


PS: I see a ipython users group, but I have been unable to post to
    it despite trying for the last few days. Perhaps someone here
    who uses iPython under XP can help.


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