On Mar 24, 2:12 pm, Ant <ant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 24, 7:59 am, Sreejith K <sreejith...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> > data is the whole file, but 'less' gives only the two lines...
> From this statement (that you are using less), it appears that you are
> redirecting sys.stdout to a file or similar - if that is the case, you
> may need to flush or close the output file before it picks up any
> changes.

Yes, I did try a flush() and close on the file which is read, but the
result is the same. I think when a read comes in fuse redirecting the
actual path (original file) to some other file for reading causes some
issues like this. It would be really helpful if someone help me clear
this issue. The getattr() calls are actually called upon the original
file (doing an os.lstat()). Does this make any effect on the 'less'
output ?

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