I wrote a Python program which, during execution, shows me messages on
console indicating at every moment the time and steps being performed
so I can have a 'log online' and guess remaining time for termination,
I used many 'print' instructions to show those messages, i.e.  print
"I am in step 4 at "+giveTime() .... print "I am in step 5 at
"+giveTime(), etc.
Now I need to execute the same program but from a GUI application. I
must show the same messages but on a "text field".
As you can guess, it implies the changing of my program or make a copy
and replace the print instructions by   textField += "I am in step 4
at "+giveTime() then textField += "I am in step 5 at "+giveTime(),
I wanted to do the next:
if output == "GUI":
    textField += "I am in step 4 at "+giveTime()
    print "I am in step 4 at "+giveTime()
But it is not smart, elegant, clean ... isn't it?
Any ideas please?


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