[posted and e-mailed] In article <033514d1-e0e9-4a1c-bca0-846781f0d...@w35g2000prg.googlegroups.com>, Kottiyath <n.kottiy...@gmail.com> wrote: >On Mar 19, 11:29=A0am, Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin...@googlemail.com> >wrote: >> >> Once every nuanced detail has been carefully weighed in and a >> consensus has been reached among the Supreme Python Language >> Commission chamber of the PSF the appropriate answer will be mailed >> back to you. >> >> Now you should be able to open up your favorite editor and hack away >> knowing full well that nobody and nothing can stop you, ever! > >I understand that my question was foolish, even for a newbie. I will >not ask any more such questions in the future.
No! Your question was *not* foolish, it was in fact a very good question; Daniel was just making a joke in somewhat dubious taste. (Not in such poor taste that Daniel should apologize, but I'm guessing that English is not your primary language, so it can be difficult to identify jokes here. Because the name "Python" is derived from the comedy TV show "Monty Python", stupid jokes are common in the Python community.) -- Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/ "Programming language design is not a rational science. Most reasoning about it is at best rationalization of gut feelings, and at worst plain wrong." --GvR, python-ideas, 2009-3-1 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list