On Wednesday 18 March 2009 15:14:30 markolopa wrote:
> Hello,
> When comparing python and java with a colleague who is fan of java,
> she challenged me to find in python the equivalent to the following
> technologies. Could you please help telling if we have something
> equivalent in python or not and how they compare to the java
> solutions?
> - persistance framework  (~hibernate)
> - transational monitor (distributed transaction), XA compliance
> (message system, DB) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X/Open_XA)
> - web openess sur le web (web service)
> - RIA and web deployable graphic library
> - scheduling (quartz)
> - secutity (PKI, single sign-on...)
> - reporting (Jasper)
> Thanks a lot!
> Marko
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

You could tell her to try Jython.  In that, you can just use the Java 
implementations. :)  Plus, you have things in Jython that Java doesn't :D

Armin Moradi

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