On 12 Mar, 12:45, Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:

[starting with 2.6]

> I do not think that is the best way to go about learning Python. Why
> learn an arguably depreciating version when the new version is
> available. I agree that there are not many tutorial written for Python
> 3 however there are enough to get going: most of the Python 2
> tutorials are redundant. Sticking to Python 3 tutorials will give him
> a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the tutorials that he finds.

So we are to conclude that Python 2 is redundant now, are we?

I don't think it's bad advice to suggest that people learn Python 2 if
they want to get stuff done, and since people keep saying how Python 3
is really the same language, let us entertain that assertion and
encourage people to take advantage of its predecessor: the thing which
actually powers the overwhelming majority of Python-powered systems
today and for the foreseeable future.


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