Christian wrote:

> Though I think you are misusing the
> Usenet. For what you do you should rather write a weblog so people
> interested in your monologues could follow them in a place where they
> are by definition on topic.

I would agree that is the issue in Xah Lee's case as well.  I don't know
that he realizes he's posting in off topic groups in what seems nothing
more than self gratification, but perhaps he's just confused and
doesn't realize that usenet is not the place to just randomly post a
thought or challenge about a topic (especially in irrelevant groups to
his ranting) and linking to his site and not usually following up to
his own posts (like a poor form of self promotion of his articles).  I
agree, I think he might just be confused and needs to consider setting
up a blog about his feelings and whatnot, and he needs to understand
that it's not appropriate to do it on usenet.  Problem is, I don't
think he's just confused altogether, but he'll probably ignore the
entire topic he started anyway and continue doing what he's doing (he
seems to think the lisc, perl, python, java and ruby groups are his
personal blog medium, so all of his thoughts and feelings are
continually posted in places they don't belong -- and he doesn't care).
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