Gary Herron wrote:

>>> Newbies: Never use "is" to compare anything.
>> Worse and worse! Now you're actively teaching newbies to write buggy
>> code!
> Nonsense.  Show me "newbie" level code that's buggy with "==" but
> correct with "is".

What's "newbie" level code? What does that even *mean*? There's no sandbox
for newbies to play in -- their code runs in the same environment as code
written by experts. Newbies can import modules written by experts and use
their code: any object, no matter how complex, might find itself imported
and used by a newbie. Sometimes code written by newbies might even find its
way into code used by experts.

But regardless of that, the point is, what's your motivation in giving
advice to newbies? Do you want them to learn correct coding techniques, or
to learn voodoo programming and superstition? If you want them to learn
correct coding, then teach them the difference between identity and
equality. If you want them to believe superstitions, then continue telling
them never to use "is" without qualifications.



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