"Catherine Heathcote" <catherine.heathc...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:n3nrl.2951$lc7.2...@text.news.virginmedia.com... = > I am reading an XML file (code at the end if it helps) and all goes well > except I am > getting the http response code printed.
I suggest you comment out line 22. The status shouldn't be in the data. > Also everything I get has "\r\n" in it, which atm I am getting rid of with > strip(), is > that the best way? I would use and XML parser such as Elementtree, and let it handle it. Resist the temptation to think "it's a simple format, I'll parse it myself". Otherwise strip() or rstrip('\r\n') is fine, depending how much whitespace matters. > conn.close Note that statement does nothing, it's not the same as conn.close() -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list