On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:44 PM, bruce wrote:


Sorry that this is a bit off track. Ok, maybe way off track!

But I don't have anyone to bounce this off of..

I'm working on a crawling project, crawling a college website, to extract course/class information. I've built a quick test app in python to crawl the site. I crawl at the top level, and work my way down to getting the required course/class schedule. The app works. I can consistently run it and extract the information. The required information is based upon an XPath analysis of
the DOM for the given pages that I'm parsing.

My issue is now that I have a "basic" app that works, I need to figure out how I guarantee that I'm correctly crawling the site. How do I know when I've got an error at a given node/branch, so that the app knows that it's
not going to fetch the underlying branch/nodes of the tree..

When running the app, I can get 5000 classes on one run, 4700 on antoher, etc... So I need some method of determining when I get a "complete" tree...

How do I know when I have a complete "tree"!

hi Bruce,
To put this another way, you're trying to convince yourself that your program is correct, yes? For instance, you're worried that you might be doing something like discovering a URL on a site but failing to pursue that URL, yes?

The standard way of testing any program is to test known input and look for expected output. Repeat as necessary. In your case that would mean crawling a site where you know all of the URLs and to see if your program finds them all. And that, of course, isn't proof of correctness, it just means that that particular site didn't trigger any error conditions that would cause your program to misbehave.

I think every modern OS makes it easy to run a Web server on your local machine. You might want to set up suite of test sites on your machine and point your program at localhost. That way you can build a site to test your application in areas you fear it may be weak.

I'm unclear on what you're using to parse the pages, but (X)HTML is very often invalid in the strict sense of validity. If the tools you're using expect/insist on well-formed XML or valid HTML, they'll be disappointed on most sites and you'll probably be missing URLs. The canonical solution for parsing real-world Web pages with Python is BeautifulSoup.



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