En Wed, 04 Mar 2009 11:12:32 -0200, venutaurus...@gmail.com <venutaurus...@gmail.com> escribió:

Hello all,
            I am facing an interesting problem with py2exe conversion.
I've a python script which uses the shutil libarary. When I convert
that python script into exe, it creates a dist folder and then in that
it places the exe. Along with the exe it also places a zip folder
containing pre compiled python scripts( library.zip).I have two
Win2003 machines.On one machine when I genreate the exe that zip file
also contains this shutil.pyc, but when I build the same python script
on the second machine, that shutli.pyc is missing in that zip file as
a result fo which I am unable to use that library on the second
machine. When I use it, it throws an error:

ImportError: No module named shutil

Can some one please suggest me a solution for this.

Are you sure it's the same script? The same setup.py? The same py2exe version? Aren't you sharing the same directory for several projects?

Gabriel Genellina


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