"Nicholas Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | I'm writing a program that requires some string manipulations. Let's say | I have a string | | s='x' | | Now, the ascii code for 'x' is 0x78. I want to be able to perform | operations on this number, and print the character corresponding to the | results of the operation. For example, the pseudo-code looks like: | | -read in string s from external file (for simplicity, we'll keep s='x') | | -determine the code for s (should be 0x78 or 120 in base 10), store it in | variable c | | -add a literal to c (let's say c=c+1) | | -find out which character corresponds to the new code c=0x79 | | -store the character in a new string s2 | | At the end of this, I want s2='y' | | Any suggestions?
Take a look at the built-in functions ord() and chr() -- Chapter 2.1 of the manual. >> s = 'x' >> c = ord(s) >> c 120 >> c+=1 >> s2 = chr(c) >> s2 'y' -- Vincent Wehren | | NG | -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list