Graham Breed wrote:
> Johannes Bauer wrote:
>> Hello group,
>> I'm looking for a Python function but have forgotten it's name.
>> Essentially what I want is:
>> class Foo():
>>     def bar(self):
>>         pass
>> x = Foo()
>> y = x.MAGIC("bar")
>> print(y)
>> <bound method of <__main__.Foo instance at 0xb7e11fcc>>
>> So the question is: How is the magic function called which returns me
>> the bound method of a class instance by its name? I know there was a way
>> but just can't remember...
> y = getattr(x, "bar")

Or, as a method call (which was requested):

y = x.__getattr__("bar")

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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