Fab86 wrote:
I am getting res1 and res2 etc from this code:

srch1 = WebSearch(app_id=YahooKey)
srch1.query = "avoir site:.al"
res1 = srch1.parse_results()

srch2 = WebSearch(app_id=YahooKey)
srch2.query = "avoir site:.fr"
res2 = srch2.parse_results()

After identifying res1, I then use the total_results_available class
which saves res1 as an integer.

This is happening 200 times.

How could I make a for loop to do this?

langs = ["al", "fr"]
for lang in langs:
    srch = WebSearch(app_id=YahooKey)
    srch.query = "avoir site:.%s" % lang
    res = srch.parse_results()
    print >> f, res.total_results_available

You might be able to move the "WebSearch" line out of the loop.

Anyway, have you read through a tutorial?

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