I want to parse a file and do this :

    A  74.335 -86.474-129.317  1.00 54.12

then add space between -86.474 and -129.317. I can get the file with

    A  74.335 -86.474 -129.317  1.00 54.12

How can I do this? Thanks.

Is there something wrong with the following?

  for line in file('in.txt'):
    line = line.replace('-', ' -')

calling line.split() on it will work the same way. If not, you can use the regexp module to insert spaces between "a digit immediately followed by a dash":

  >>> s  = "A  74.335 -86.474-129.317  1.00 54.12"
  >>> s.replace('-', ' -')
  'A  74.335  -86.474 -129.317  1.00 54.12'
  >>> import re
  >>> r = re.compile(r'(\d)-')
  >>> r.sub(r'\1 -', s)
  'A  74.335 -86.474 -129.317  1.00 54.12'



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