On Mon, 2 Mar 2009 06:40:57 -0800 (PST), step <fxl...@gmail.com> wrote:
 my server program is writed with c in windows using mingw,using
"select" model

client is writed with python

the problem is , when the client connect the server, the function
FD_ISSET(cilentfd,&set) always true, but it hvae read no data, i also
no send data to server.

why? i use telnet program in windows to test my server ,it
good ,FD_ISSET  is work ok, it return false

Perhaps there is a bug in your C program and it only works sometimes.
There is *no* misuse of socket APIs which the Python client could be
committing which would cause a correctly written server (in C or any
other language with BSD socket APIs) to fail.  I suggest investigating
how telnet and your Python client differ, then looking into the C code
to find out how that difference can trigger a bug in it.


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