On Mar 2, 7:30 pm, Hussein B <hubaghd...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Mar 1, 4:51 pm, Philip Semanchuk <phi...@semanchuk.com> wrote: > > > On Mar 1, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Hussein B wrote: > > > > Hey, > > > I'm retrieving records from MySQL database that contains non english > > > characters.
Can you reveal which language??? > > > Then I create a String that contains HTML markup and column values > > > from the previous result set. > > > +++++ > > > markup = u'''<table>.....''' > > > for row in rows: > > > markup = markup + '<tr><td>' + row['id'] > > > markup = markup + '</table> > > > +++++ > > > Then I'm sending the email according to this tip: > > >http://code.activestate.com/recipes/473810/ > > > Well, the email contains ????? characters for each non english ones. > > > Any ideas? > > > There's so many places where this could go wrong and you haven't > > narrowed down the problem. > > > Are the characters stored in the database correctly? > > Yes they are. How do you KNOW that they are stored correctly? What makes you so sure? > > > Are they stored consistently (i.e. all using the same encoding, not > > some using utf-8 and others using iso-8859-1)? > > Yes. So what is the encoding used to store them? > > > What are you getting out of the database? Is it being converted to > > Unicode correctly, or at all? > > I don't know, how to make sure of this point? You could show us some of the output from the database query. As well as print the_output you should print repr(the_output) and show us both, and also tell us what you *expect* to see. And let's get the database output sorted out before we worry about the email message. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list