En Fri, 27 Feb 2009 00:06:47 -0200, Astan Chee <astan.c...@al.com.au>

I want to factor (red, green and blue at the same time) an image using wx but without any GUI display or windows but it keeps crashing

What do you mean? Really crashing? Or do you get a Python stack trace?

and if I set the checks to ignore it, it doesn't produce the images at all.
It looks like this:

import wx
img = wx.Image("star.jpg",wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP)

Are you sure the format is BITMAP_TYPE_BMP? The name seems to indicate

factor = 1
for i in range(1,30):
    image = img.AdjustChannels(factor, factor, factor, 1)

And multiplying r,g,b by 30 you'll get an almost white image - is it what
you want?

    fname = "star." + str(factor) + ".jpg"

Note that you're saving the ORIGINAL image here...

What am I missing here? What am I doing wrong? Can this even be done with only wx?

Try again...

Gabriel Genellina


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