On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:56:12 +0100, Peter Billam <pe...@www.pjb.com.au> wrote:


As a newbie, starting with Python3, I'm working my way through Mark
Summerfield's tkinter examples.  In the toolbar, there's lines like:
    for image, command in (
        ('images/filenew.gif',  self.fileNew),
        ('images/fileopen.gif', self.fileOpen),
        ('images/filesave.gif', self.fileSave),
        ('images/editadd.gif',  self.editAdd),
        ('images/editedit.gif', self.editEdit),
        ('images/editdelete.gif', self.editDelete),):
    image = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), image)
    image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image)
    button = tkinter.Button(toolbar, image=image, command=command)
    button.grid(row=0, column=len(self.toolbar_images) -1)

which are always failing because the icons are in the wrong place
and I can't help but wonder if I can put all these little images
in the application itself, either as b'whatever' or uuencoded or
in svg etc, and then invoke some suitable variation of the
    image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image)
or of the
    button = tkinter.Button(toolbar, image=image, command=command)
command ?  (I did try help('tkinter.PhotoImage') but didn't spot a
magic key (unless it's "data=something, format=something")) ...

Just dump the contents of the file as a bytestring and use:
image = PhotoImage(data=the_byte_string)
With no extension, I guess it'll only work with GIF files, as it is the only natively supported image format in tcl/tk (AFAIK...).

python -c "print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 'U(17zX(%,5.zmz5(17l8(%,5.Z*(93-965$l7+-'])"

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