Thank You, I now understand what i need to do now, and again Thanks On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Gabriel Genellina <>wrote:
> En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 07:07:57 -0200, Tony <> > escribió: > > ok thank you for that input, this is my first class in programming and its >> the only one the school offers. im pretty sure those are supposed to be >> modules >> that im writting. would it make a difference if those were modules and not >> functions? kinda stupid question there but im trying to learn as much as >> possible. >> > > Each module is a separate file, with extension .py > If you put all your code in a single file, you write a single module. > That's fine in this case, unless it grows to something unmanageable. > > Functions are blocks of code that have a name and "do" something specific, > and usually return some result. They start with the keyword "def". You have > defined several functions already, but called them "modules" in the > comments, that's wrong and may be confusing. > > Also anything with def infront of it example def start(): would be a >> function correct? also im Using 2.5 and the IDLE to do this >> > > Exactly! > > I think you have written so much code without testing it. It's time to test > every piece now. Start with... the start function, obviously! > > But before, you have to clean your code. There are a few strange lines that > should not be there (all those lines on the left margin that aren't "def" > statements, like intro_area(), alley()...). Just remove or comment them. > > Then you can start testing each function, one at a time. Simply call the > function with the desired parameters (if any), right at the bottom of the > file. To test the first one (start), use something like this: > > print "about to call start()" > result = start() > print "start() finished, result=", result > > and do the same for each individual function. Once you know each piece > works fine, you can start combining them until you build the complete > program. > > > -- > Gabriel Genellina > > -- > >