On Feb 23, 9:25 am, MRAB <goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote: > venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote: > > Hello all, > > I am writing an application where I need to open a shared > > file on a remote machine using python script. I tried using the > > following function: > > > f = urllib.open("\\remote_machine\\folder1\\file1.doc") > > > I also tried using > > > class urllib.FancyURLopener(...) > > > but didn't work. Can some one help me in this regard. > > What do you mean by "remote machine"? Do you mean you want to open a > file that's in a shared folder on a machine that's on the same local > network? > > If it's meant to be a Windows filepath then it should be: > > f = open(r"\\remote_machine\folder1\file1.doc") > > (If the file is a Microsoft Word document file, then you won't probably > be able to make much sense of its contents using open().)
Thanks to all for your brisk replies: Yes, my aim is to open a file from another machine in the same LAN. It also worked using >>f = urllib.urlopen("\\\remote_machine\\folder\\file.doc") But now I also have to copy the same file to the local machine in Python. Do I need to follow any protocols for this? Thank you, Venu. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list