I've been using irclib to write a simple irc bot, and I was running into some difficulties with pickle. Upon some experimentation with pdb, I found that pickle.load() doesn't load *all* of the data the _first_ time it's called.
For instance, I have this dictionary pickled: {'xiong_chiamiov': {'name': 'James Pearson', 'distro': 'Arch'}} The first time I pickle.load() it, I get this: {'xiong_chiamiov': {'name': 'James Pearson'}} The 2nd time, I get the full thing. Is this a bug in pickle, something wrong with the way I'm approaching this, or what? Full code is available at: http://github.com/xiongchiamiov/mpu/ -- James Pearson -- The best way to predict the future is to invent it. - Alan Kay -- GCS/MU d- s+:- a--- C++(++++)>$ ULC+(++)>$ P(+) L+++>++++$ !E W++(+++)$>$ N+(++) o? K-- w--- O? M--(+) V? PS+(--) PE++() Y+(++) PGP- !t !5 !X R- tv-(--) b+>+++ DI+(++) D G e>++ h- r y- [http://tinyurl.com/23uv8t]
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