On Feb 23, 9:17 am, Peter Anderson <peter.ander...@internode.on.net>
> John Machin said:
> Has the OP tried to contact the author/maintainer of easygui [the
> usually-recommended approach to problems with not-widely-used third-
> party modules]?
> Don't you think the author/maintainer might like to be consulted
> before you incite an OP to claim-jump his package name on PyPI?
> The OP (I presume you mean me) has tried to contact Steve Ferg (the
> original developer) but I have not had a reply yet. See my e-mail above;
> it is NOT my intention to place my modified script on PyPI as I AM NOT
> the original developer. My claim to fame is changing a few "import" and
> "print" statements and getting some useful advice from other members of
> this list.
> I am happy to make my modified script available unofficially and if
> Steve does contact me I would prefer to pass it on to him for his
> consideration.
> This little project started out to solve a personal need not to
> plagiarise or usurp the rights and skills of another developer. I was
> happy to make my simple effort available, unofficially, in return for
> help from other list members.
> I hope that resolves the issue.

Thank you, but your intentions stated above are just fine and what I
presumed. The issue is not with you but with Terry suggesting that you
should "make it available thru PyPI" with no qualification or caveat
at all -- the knowledge that you had attempted to contact Steve Ferg
and have not yet had a response was not available on c.l.py and in any
case is not a justification for incitement to hijack.

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