Jaap van Wingerde wrote:
> # -*- coding: utf_8 -*-
> Omschrijving = u'priv? assuranti?n' # string from a bank.csv
> Omschrijving = str.replace(Omschrijving, "priv?", 'privé')
> Omschrijving = str.replace(Omschrijving, "Assuranti?n", 'Assurantiën')
> print Omschrijving
> When I run this script I get the following message.
> "Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/jaap/Desktop/unicode.py", line 3, in <module>
>     Omschrijving = str.replace(Omschrijving, "priv?", 'priv�')
> TypeError: descriptor 'replace' requires a 'str' object but received a
> 'unicode'"
> How can I solve this?

First of all, use the methods of the unicode type, not the str type.
Secondly, call the methods on an instance, not on the type (the instance
is passed automatically). Thirdly, use Unicode arguments to replace.

Omschrijving = u'priv? assuranti?n' # string from a bank.csv
Omschrijving = Omschrijving.replace(u"priv?", u'privé')
Omschrijving = Omschrijving.replace(u"assuranti?n", u'assurantiën')
print Omschrijving

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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