Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Werner Merkl wrote:

I just downloaded, installed
if (python install) and tried the example in the README file.

Than I got following error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 

This is same behavior for all module using empty files,
like venster, Pyrex or libxmlmods...

if "xexpr" is a package with an empty file, the behaviour you're
seeing is the expected behaviour.  importing a toplevel module doesn't auto-
matically import any submodules.
Oh, I see. I have to write:
import xexpr.Read

Now it works...

Is there a change in the implementation, so that every module needs an
explicit list for exchanged modules?

what's an "exchanged module"?
Oops! This should say "every module"...

Thanx a lot


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import xexpr
example = '<foo a="b" c="d"><bar><baz a="d" />Blah</bar></foo>'

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Read'

does it work better if you type

    import xexpr.Read

before you call the to_xexpr function?



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