On 18 Feb, 00:08, Lionel <lionel.ke...@gmail.com> wrote: > 1) What is "recarray"?
An ndarray of what C programmers know as a "struct", in which each field is accessible by its name. That is, struct rgba{ unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; unsigned char a; }; struct rgba arr[480][640]; is similar to: import numpy as np rbga = np.dtype({'names':list('rgba'), 'formats':[np.uint8]*4}) arr = np.array((480,640), dtype=rgba) Now you can access the r, g, b and a fields directly using arr['r'], arr['g'], arr['b'], and arr['a']. Internally the data will be represented compactly as with the C code above. If you want to view the data as an 480 x 640 array of 32 bit integers instead, it is as simple as arr.view(dtype=np.uint32). Formatted binary data can of course be read from files using np.fromfile with the specified dtype, and written to files by passing a recarray as buffer to file.write. You can thus see NumPy's recarray's as a more powerful alternative to Python's struct module. > I don't really see in the diocumentation how portions are loaded, however. Prior to Python 2.6, the mmap object (which numpy.memmap uses internally) does not take an offset parameter. But when NumPy are ported to newer version of Python this will be fixed. You should then be able to memory map with an ndarray from a certain offset. To make this work now, you must e.g. backport mmap from Python 2.6 and use that with NumPy. Not difficult, but nobody has bothered to do it (as far as I know). Sturla Molden -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list