On 2009-02-16, Tim Wintle <tim.win...@teamrubber.com> wrote:
>> I had my first look around pypi.python.org/pypi yesterday and didn't
>> see anything.  Is there a MIDI-module for Python ?  If not, I'll
>> email Sean to ask if he'd mind me translating his module into Python3...
> <http://www.mxm.dk/products/public/pythonmidi>
> This is the only project I have seen that aims to do that - I haven't
> actually used it, and there might be others out there (I believe pygame
> <www.pygame.org> supports midi-output).

That looks like it should do the job :-)
I can't actually import MidiOutFile successfully from Python3.0.1 yet,
but that must be a Py2 v. Py3 issue. Might have to investigate 2to3...

Thanks,  Peter

Peter Billam       www.pjb.com.au    www.pjb.com.au/comp/contact.html

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