Had a look and it is still under my radar unfortunately because of
TkInter. OceanGUI has a lot of large decencies (Pygame, SDL libraries,
PyObjC, etc.) to install on my system to just to get a GUI thats no
better loking than TkInter which comes pre-installed (no dependencies)
on most every major platform.

If I was writing a game I might be interested, but I'd want to do some
serious skinning of that GUI to make it look better.

For applications installing the full wxWidgets or Qt toolkits would be
less disk space and dependcies than OceanGUI and performance would
probably be higher. TkInter also has many skins/themes you can add
that makes it rather, although not 100% native looking on target

For example, check out

For 86K download/dependencies I can get a rather Mac looking GUI.


2009/2/16  <laplacia...@gmail.com>:
> I think I just found the GUI toolkit for Python I've been searching
> for. It seems to meet all of the following requirements:
>  * free software
>  * small (I don't need batteries -- Python already comes with those.)
>  * easy to use
>  * actively maintained
>  * cross-platform
>  * easy to install
>  * based on a stable and actively-maintained C library
>  * does not depend on an external scripting language (for example,
> Tcl)
>  * well-documented
>  * not too many dependencies
>  * can easily integrate with PyOpenGL
>  * support for accessibility
> and it's also written in Python.
> I have no idea how it's stayed under the radar in the Python community
> for this long, yet here it is: [OcempGUI](http://ocemp.sourceforge.net/
> gui.html). The C library it depends upon? [SDL](http://
> www.libsdl.org/) (via [PyGame](http://www.pygame.org/news.html)).
> The sf project page is <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ocemp/>.
> Installation only requires getting SDL installed, then PyGame, and
> then a `sudo python setup.py install` for OcempGUI. `cd` into its `doc/
> examples` directory and run a few of the examples (ex. `python
> hello_world.py`).
> The part of [the manual](http://ocemp.sourceforge.net/manual/ocempgui-
> manual.html) that seems most like a beginner tutorial is <http://
> ocemp.sourceforge.net/manual/gui_applications.html>.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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