azrael wrote:
> I think that there should be a list on of supported or
> sugested modules for some need. For example Database access. Or GUI
> Building. It is a complete pain in the ass. Let's face the true, TK is
> out of date. There should be another one used and appended to the
> standard Python Library. One that plays well with other platforms. And
> if it does't, let's make it play better.

The Python core will not ship with another GUI toolkit. TK may be
removed from the core in some distant future but we - the Python core
development team - will *not* make a choice between GTK, WX and Qt.

> One other thing. I am not looking for war on groups. I just would like
> to discuss some things that drive me crazy while using Python.

In your opinion all third party are bad. You like to have one monolithic
block of software. That's a typical Microsoft approach. Lot's of people
from the open source community prefer small and loosely coupled pieces
of software. One of the greatest ruler of all time once said "divide et
impera" -- divide it in small pieces to make it much easier to conquer
every piece by its own. We are following the same path here.

Nobody is going to stop you from creating a large bundle of useful
extensions as long as you follow the licenses. In fact lots of people
may appreciate a bundle. But the Python core package will always stay
small and agile.



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