andrew cooke wrote:
A quick search on "imap nntp" turned up this list that might be useful - although I wonder when it was written
because I remember using Aaron's RSS to email aggregator when RSS was
It mentions gmane, though, which certainly still exists (I assume it
carries this list too).
Yes. For everything possible, I read and post via gmane. Gmane mirrors
technical mailing lists. As near as I can tell, posts via gmane go to
the mailing list first, for whatever filtering the list does.
Conversely then, gmane only posts the filtered output from the mailing list.
> And this page suggests you can read gmane via
nntp - works fine.
Aha! yes! It;s in the FAQ :o)
Can I read news via secure NNTP (nntps)?
Yes. Point your news reader towards nntps://