John Fabiani wrote:
Terry Reedy wrote:
John Fabiani wrote:
OpenOffice 3 on windows uses python 2.3.x (I have no idea why).
I presume because no one has volunteered to do the update for the Py-UNO
bridge. In any case, why do you consider that to be a problem. It is
common for apps to include the Python they are known to work with.
Thanks for the response. The reason is the others apps are written in
python 2.5.x. All the testing was done on Linux using 2.5 and now we need
it to work on the windows side too.
Have you tried it? What breaks? Win OOo's use of 2.3 should only
affect Python code that you run within the OO process itself, with its
copy of Python. Avoiding things introduced in 2.4/2.5 is probably
easier than recompiling OOo on Windows.