Robin wrote:

I am building some computational web services using soaplib. This
creates a WSGI application.

However, since some of these services are computationally intensive,
and may be long running, I was looking for a way to use multiple
processes. I thought about using multiprocessing.Process manually in
the service, but I was a bit worried about how that might interact
with a threaded server (I was hoping the thread serving that request
could just wait until the child is finished). Also it would be good to
keep the services as simple as possible so it's easier for people to
write them.

I have at the moment the following WSGI structure:
TransLogger(URLMap(URLParser(soaplib objects)))
although presumably, due to the beauty of WSGI, this shouldn't matter.

As I've found with all web-related Python stuff, I'm overwhelmed by
the choice and number of alternatives. I've so far been using cherrypy
and ajp-wsgi for my testing, but am aware of Spawning, twisted etc.
What would be the simplest [quickest to setup and fewest details of
the server required - ideally with a simple example] and most reliable
[this will eventually be 'in production' as part of a large scientific
project] way to host this sort of WSGI with a process-per-request


We've used forked fastcgi (flup) with success as that decouples the wsgi process (in our case django) from the main server (in our case apache). Our reasons for doing that were to allow the backend to use modern pythons without having to upgrade the server (which is required if using say mod_python). The wsgi process runs as an ordinary user which eases some tasks.

A disadvantage of our scheme is that long running processes may cause problems eg timeouts. In practice since there are no guarantees for how long an http connection will hold up (because of proxies etc etc) we decided to work around this problem. Basically long running jobs go into a task queue on the server and the response is used to reconnect to the long running job peridically for status querying/results etc etc.
Robin Becker


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